
Requirements for registration and the procedure for reviewing manuscripts entering the electronic edition "E-Journal of Dubna State University. A series of "Science of man and society"

Rules of submission and processing of manuscripts

Accepted for consideration previously unpublished manuscripts of articles.
The original author's texts must be justified by the relevance of the theme, clearly defined purpose and objectives of the study.
Articles and other materials should correspond to the topics of publication, contain generalizations, conclusions of interest for its novelty, scientific and practical significance.
Manuscripts offered for publication are subject to mandatory review.
Correspondence with the author conducted via e-mail indicated in the information about the author, correspondence with his assistants, secretaries and so on is performed.
Journal reserves the right not to respond to requests for articles, which ignored the basic rules of design.
The manuscript should be framed in accordance with the requirements for registration of articles in the "E-Journal of Dubna State University. A series "Science of Man and Society".
The article should be written in language understandable not only skilled in the art, but also a wide range of readers, which may require further study of specialized scientific terms.
Payment of the fee is not provided.
The fee for the publication of manuscripts from authors, including post-graduate students will not be charged.


Not allowed to consider:

articles designed without complying with the rules of registration of the manuscript;
articles containing more than 20% of the borrowed text from open sources.


For the publication of the article to the journal must provide:

the manuscript, prepared according to the requirements for registration of articles in the "E-Journal of  Dubna State University. A series of "Science of man and society";
photo of the author;

Requirements for registration of articles in the "E-Journal of Dubna State University. A series of "Science of man and society"


To publish an article must be submitted to the journal:

- Material in electronic form (text in MS Word, the drawings in the form of graphic files, the volume of not less than 20000 characters)

The formatting options for the main text:

A4 - sheet format
font -Times New Roman;
font size - 12 pt;
Inscription - the usual;
line spacing - one and a half;
indention - 1.25;
page margins: top - 2 sm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 2.5 cm, right - 2.5 cm;

Published in the journal article consists of the following consecutive elements (in this order they should be placed in the author's file with the text of the article):

index of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC);
initials and surnames of authors (in Russian);
the title (name) article (in Russian);
Abstracts (5-7 lines) (in Russian);
keywords (in Russian);
information about the author - full name, surname, patronymic, scientific degree, rank, and position; coordinates work, mobile phone, e-mail (in Russian);
text of the article (in Russian);
bibliographic list (in Russian);
authors' initials and surname (in English);
the title (name) article (in English);
Abstracts (in English);
key words (in English);
information about the author - full name, surname, patronymic, scientific degree, rank, and position; coordinates work, mobile phone, e-mail (in Russian);
text of the article (in English);

Bibliographic references should be carefully verified, updated, numbered and presented in alphabetical order (first the Russian-speaking authors, then - foreign), and must contain at least 10 sources (mandatory presence of foreign sources).

All data should be references to the source thereof, figures and tables are numbered and titled.

The article should contain bibliographic references, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 7.0.5. 2008.

Inline bibliographical references are given in brackets where reference is made to the serial number used in the work of reference lists, and page - [18, p.65]. If the reference includes several works used, inside square brackets, they are separated by a semicolon. For example: [4, p.15; 5, p.123].

The article may contain descenders bibliographical references (footnotes, notes): guidance on archival sources, materials collections and private collections, as well as the author's notes and comments. In contrast, intra-bibliographic references given in brackets, subscript links placed at the bottom of the page and should be made in the computer mode: Insert-link-footer.



The procedure for reviewing manuscripts offered for publication in the  "E-Journal of Dubna State University. A series of" Science of man and society "

All scientific articles, received by the editorial board, are subject to mandatory review.
After an initial selection process (matching the requirements of article, format, genre and region of current interest magazine) manuscript sent for review by a specialist on the subject of peer-reviewed material.
Reviewers are notified that the manuscript sent to them are the private property of the authors and contain information not subject to disclosure.
review procedure usually takes 2 to 6 weeks
Depending on the results of the review, the article can be accepted for publication, rejected, or authors may be invited to make comments on the revision of article reviewers.
After the adoption of the Editorial Board of the decision on the admission of an article for publication editors inform the author and publication dates indicated.

How to refer to the articles published in our magazine

Examples of the proper clearance:

Nazaretyan, A.P. National idea in the "age of bifurcations" // E-Journal of Dubna State University. A series of "Science of man and society. 2016. №1. S.6-15. URL: (reference date: 10.01.2016).
Khoziev, V.B. Prolegomena to the psychological study of verbal creativity / V.B.Hoziev, M.V.Hozieva // E-Journal of Dubna State University. A series of "Science of man and society. 2016. №1. S.6-15. URL: http: // (reference date: 01.10.2016).

A sample of an article manuscript